Sunday, July 23, 2006

...isn't really here

I say, chaps, you've stumbled upon a blog which is only here to allow me to comment in other people's blogs.

Aggravating, isn't it? You almost feel like you want to do physical pain onto me, don't you?

And yet... you can't! Not unless you are an eccentric billionaire with a considerable "having annoying people on the internet eradicated"-budget, and if you are, well, you should have your hands full already.

My real weblog? It's here: (Note that my real weblog isn't a blog, as that is a frightfully ugly word, so it's a non-blog, a highly nonsensical yet horribly important difference which you should all keep firmly in mind)

Do your clickety-click-click'y thing and be on your way there, where tons of excitement (not really, but tons of something, anyway) will be yours for the reading.

Still here? Well, you will find nothing of inte... hm... I think I already covered this particular trap of logic somewhere else. Go here: to be further annoyed.

Live long and prosper, but more importantly, read my real weblog and give me nice, constructive and/or funny comments on it.

And pleasepleaseplease don't be an eccentric billionaire with an Internet-Weirdos-Eradicating-Project. I'm all for those, but I don't want them reading my bloody spam.

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